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Around The Globe ATG.WORLD

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) Attack

"This post explains DDoS attacks in detail, and also highlights the comparison & advantages over DoS Attacks"

DDoS Attack

A denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) or distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack) is an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users.

  • DDoS attacks require engagement of multiple machines, which will be sending the attack traffic to the victim.
  • The attacking machines donot belong to the attacker and are frequently called zombies, daemons, slaves, or agents.
  • Agents(Zombies) are usually poorly secured systems at universities, companies, and homes—even at government institutions.
  • The attacker breaks into them, takes full control, installs DDoS software on them and launch coordinated attacks them for the attack.
  • Automated tools discover potential agent machines, break into them, and install the attack code upon a single command from an attacker, and report success back to her.
  • The master program, at a designated time, then communicates to any number of "agent" programs, installed on computers anywhere on the Internet. The agents, when they receive the command, initiate the attack.
  • This makes it difficult to detect because attacks originate from several IP addresses.
  • If a single IP address is attacking a company, it can block that address at its firewall. If it is 30000 this is extremely difficult.
TOOLS : Shaft, Trinoo, Tribe Flood Network (TFN), Stacheldraht, Tribe Flood Network 200 (TFN2K)

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